African Style

Heyyy hey hey :* ,

Sper ca va bucurati de o perioada minunata si plina de reusite 🙂 Eu sunt fericita ca fac ceea ce imi place si ca am alaturi de mine oameni superbi – oameni care chiar tin la mine cu adevarat!

I hope you’re enjoying a wonderful time full of achievements  🙂 I’m soo happy that I do what I love the most with gorgeous people beside me – that really care about me! <3


M-am mai jucat cu culorile si am realizat un machiaj si o coafura in stil african 😛

I’ve played with colors and I’ve made this African  make-up and hairstyle 😛


Pentru acest machiaj am folosit nuante de galben pe care l-am conturat in coltul extern cu negru usor blenduit.

For this make-up I’ve used yellow shades which I outlined with black tones for the  external corner of the eye and I  easily  blended it.


Pe buze am folosit o nuanta de nude pentru ca accentul a fost pe ochi 🙂

For the lips I’ve used some nude shades because the accent was on the eyes 🙂


Parul a fost aranjat cu ajutorul unor agrafe pentru a realiza acest efect 😛

The hair was styled with some hair pins for this gorgeous effect 🙂



Hope you likeee this look <3

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