Dry Shampoo

Hey my gorgeous cupcakes,

Astazi vreau sa va vorbesc despre samponul uscat 🙂

Samponul uscat este o alternativa perfecta atunci cand ti s-a ingrasat parul si ai un eveniment anuntat prea din scurt sau nu vrei sa iti speli parul in fiecare zi…..lucru care ar trebui evitat…nu este bine sa iti speli parul in fiecare zi 🙂

Today I want to talk about dry shampoo 🙂                                                                                                          

Dry shampoo it’s a perfect alternative when your hair is oily and you have a pending event..or you don’t want to wash your hair everyday …thing that should be avoided….it’s not so good to wash your hair everyday.

Eu folosesc de ceva timp …..la evenimente anuntate in ultimul moment….si sunt mega multumita de acest tip de sampon.balea-trocken-shampooNu trebuie sa intelegeti ca nu trebuie sa va spalati la par ….Doamne fereste! Doar ca acest sapon te poate salva din situatii neplacute <3Am incercat cateva tipuri de sapoane uscate pana acum…la inceput am testat samponul uscat de la Balea in ambalaj albastru .

I use for a while dry shampoo…for the events announced for last minute and I’m very pleased with it. You don’t have to understand that you should not wash your hair..no way…God forbid! Only that this shampoo can save you from some unpleasant situations:) I’ve tried some different dry shampoos so far….first I’ve tried the one from Balea in blue pack.



Apoi ….l-am incercat pe cel din gama Kardashian….care esteee super, miroase foarte bine si ofera volum parului – este un pic mai scump dar merita 🙂 am scris un articol despre produsele Kardashian aici 🙂

Then I’ve tried the one from Kardashian…..and that is justtt great, it smell sooo good and gives great volume to the hair 🙂 I’ve also wrote an article about Kardashian products here 🙂




Iar acum am incercat sampoanele de la Balea…atat cel pentru par saten cat si cel pentru par blond 🙂

And now I have tried the New dry shampoos from Balea in the new packs….for blonde and brown hair 🙂


Le puteti gasi in magazinele DM la preturi foarteee bune de 10 ron/buc si te salveaza in orice moment 😛

You can find this in DM stores at veryyy good prices – 10 Ron and can they can save your day 😛

Avantejele folosirii samponului uscat:

Advantages of using dry shampoo:

1.Este cea mai eficienta solutie atunci cand esti pe graba, dar vrei ca parul sa-ti arate bine;

1. It’s the best solution when you are in a rush but you want your hair to look good;

2.Reduci frecventa samponarilor clasice, dar nu trebuie totusi sa creezi o dependenta;

2. Reduce the frequency of classic shampooing, but you should not create a addiction;

3.Oferi volum vizibil facand parul usor-manevrabil;

3. Provide easily & visible volume – maneuverable hair;

 4. Iti poti aranja mai bine parul si, daca esti creativa, poti realiza coafuri stylish sau te poti accesoriza cu diverse accesorii de par.
4. You can easily arrange your hair and..if you are creative you can make some stylish ideas or put some great hair accessories.

Sper sa va fie de folos si sunt tare curioasa daca folositi sampon uscat si ce marca ?

I hope you like this article and I really want to know if are you using dry shampoo and what brand?


Kissesss my sweet beauties! :*


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