Watercolors Make-up

Hey hey so precious girls,

Astazi vreau sa va arat un machiaj realizat in tehnica acuarelei! O tehnica in care puteti face cele mai  spectaculoase , mai frumoase si mai  rezistente machiaje <3

I want to show you today a new make-up done in the watercolors technique! A technique in which you can make the most spectacular, most beautiful and more resistance make-up looks!


M-au atras machiajele in aceasta tehnica din clipa in care le-am vazut si mi-am dorit sa incerc si eu sa realizez machiaje cu aceste acuarele magice 🙂 Asa ca mi-am comandat cateva culori si am inceput sa ma joc cu ele 😛

I loved this kind of make-up  from the first time I saw it and I really wanted to make some nice make-up looks with this magic watercolors. So….I bought some nice colors and started to play with them. 😛

sarah im1

Ele arata ca in poza de mai jos si …dupa cum este si denumirea lor  ” acuarela” …asemanatoare cu acuarelele pe care le foloseam la pictura (desen) in scoala – trebuie sa uzi pensula inainte de aplica culoarea….nu foarte mult – daca adaugati prea multa apa-  se aplica un strat mult prea gros care se crapa si se vede urat 🙂

They look like in the picture below …and like is their name  – watercolors ….very similar like that we used in school – you mush wet the brush before you apply the colors  –  but if you apply too much water it’s not good because the layer it too thick and will crack.

Pentru acest machiaj am folosit 3 culori ….rosu , alb si mov inchis spre coltul extern.

For this make-up I used 3 colors….red…white and dark purple for the external corner.


Am aplicat si o pereche de gene false de tip banda de la Red Cherry.

I also applied a pair of false eye-lashes from Red Cherry.


Hope you like it! <3




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