Halloween Make-up Look

Bo ho hooo ,

Se apropie Halloweenul …..acea perioada din an cand toata lumea se costumeaza…..bine…..la noi nu este ca in America …dar de ceva ani, acest tip de sarbatoare se tot dezvolta in tot mai multe domenii. Desigur ca si in make-up s-a dezvoltat si se dezvolta tot mai mult si este o ocazie tareeee buna sa ne jucam…sa ne costumam si sa realizam machiaje in tema 😛

Halloween is sooo near…that time of year when everybody dress us and play with costumes and make-ups…well….in our country is not like in America….but from year to year everything gets bigger and bigger regarding this Fest. Of course that make-up is an important thing for this fest and gives reasons to play with colors and exaggerate with different characters  .


Asa ca…daca va pregatiti de petrecerea de Halloween, eu va propun un machiaj de vampir…..un vampir insetat de sange dar totusi o vampirita frumoasa 😛

Asa ca m-am jucat cu Alina…prietena mea buna ( vezi aici un make-up realizat de ea) si am realizat un machiaj de vampir…ne-am distrat teribil si am ras super mult <3…..a fost o zi minunata petrecuta impreuna imbinand pasiunea noatra comuna cu distractia 🙂

Sooo…if you’re thinking about Halloween  party I propose to you an interesting make-up idea….a female vampire bloodthirsty…..but also a sexy vampire.

I’ve played with one of my best friend – Alina (here is an article with her make-up) and we realized a vampire make-up….it was so fun…. …we had a great time spent together by doing our passion .


Deci tema este vampir…so…am inceput de la ideea ca treabuie sa ii fac fata alba….zis si facut….am folosit acuarela alba de la ( Atelier Paris) si am pictat toata fata in alb 😛

If the theme is Vampire…I started all with the face…and I decided to make the face all white…So, I used a white aquarelle by (Atelier Paris) and I’ve painted all the face with it 😛

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Apoi am continuat cu ochii pe care am vrut sa ii conturez exagerat cu nuante de negru si grena dar duse la extrem :)) Am aplicat o pereche de gene false mari si dese…..tot in ideea de a exagera 😛

For the eyes I used black and garnet shades and I shaped the eyes so exaggerate – everything is exaggerate   :)) I applied some false eyelashes – large and very dense.


Pentru buze am aplicat un ruj mat visiniu peste care am aplicat un creion negru pe margini. Am realizat un conturing al fetei cu un fard mat negru pentru a crea un dramatism.

Pentru detaliile finale am aplicat coltii de vampir, sange fals si niste paienjeni mici si inofensivi :)))

For the lips I’ve applied a burgundy matte lipstick and a black liner. I’ve realized a dramatic face contouring with a black shade.

For the final touches I’ve applied the vampire fangs, false blood and some little harmless spiders :))


Sper sa va placa si voua si astept sa vad ce idei de Halloween aveti si voi :* :* :*

I really hope you like it and I want to see if you’re inspired to make some Halloween make-ups too 😛


Kissessss little vampires ! <3


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